Mozilla Community

The page content only has one word. It may be loading an older revision in the search results. Archived or excluded?

Note on age-restricted videos on YouTube![]

Don't try to monetize age-restricted YouTube videos! Video identifiers in this sharing platform are up to 11 characters and can contain letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens and underlines. (Word ending with bag, face, hole, et al. or a scrolling list of vulgar terms not in other languages!) What if children under 12 years old are explicit words..

BabyMelodyPilot (a shareware Palm music program for kids and children) does not recognize words with áčçėņťś in the lyrics (it works with explicit words).

Test section for other languages[]

"row" in Portuguese means fila or linha unless Microsoft Translator may be wrong...

Example vulgar word in Swedish if Windows has the non-Unicode language set to East Asian languages like Korean or Japanese. It removes the diacritic in each word (jävla by javla, not jaevla). This vulgar word is in Swedish and isn't spammy... (No need to translate!) Another Swedish word: området by omradet (not omraadet) – the same word will appear in Danish and Norwegian.
